Patricia Richter und unsere Corgi Hündin Peeri; Corgi; Niederbayern; Bayern; Zucht; Welsh Corgi Bayern; Welsh Corgi Deutschland
Gib dem Menschen einen Hund und seine Seele wird gesund. *Hildegard von Bingen*

If I may briefly introduce myself, my name is Patricia Richter and I am the boss of the “Little Royal Rascals”. I am a customer service representative at DB and am a mother of three. I live with my husband on a small farm in Gneiding, Lower Bavaria. This is in the Landau a.d. triangle. Isar, Plattling and Wallersdorf. With a lot of commitment and passion, I have dedicated myself to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed.

Our Dogs

Corgi auf der Wiese; Welsh Corgi Pembroke; Niederbayern; Bayern; Zucht; Züchter; Welsh Corgi Pembroke; Jack; Joint Venture; Corgi Deutschland;



Many animals have found homes on our farm that were no longer wanted. No matter whether old or young, sick or healthy, everyone is cared for and cared for to the best of our knowledge and belief.



For more information you can visit my Facebook or Instagram page *bavarian_corgis*. There you will always find current information about animal health, news and of course lots of pictures of our dogs.

Our values

Corgi auf Skateboard; Welsh Corgi Pembroke; Niederbayern; Bayern; Zucht; Züchter; Tierheilpraxis; Jack; Joint Venture; Peeri of ND Wiggle Farm; Welsh Corgi Pembroke Deutschland; Corgi Deutschland




He is allowed to roll around in the dirt, dig up piles of dung and take our horses out of the paddock with us. My puppies grow up in a pack, they are used to cats, horses and children. With us you will get to know many everyday things, such as everyday noises such as vacuum cleaners or telephones. But also tractor noises, children playing or my work in the home office. They learn to rest while I work. They drive with us in the car and learn to wear a collar. I love my dogs more than anything, but I think it's important not to humanize our four-legged friends. However, that doesn't mean you never lie on the couch... ;-)